For some patients Fibroscan can replace liver biopsy plus there is no pain and sedation is not required Zydus Hospitals is organizing a Special FibroScan Camp where you can get tested for Alcoholic Liver Disease Fatty Liver or Hepatitis

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For some patients, Fibroscan can replace liver biopsy plus there is no pain, and sedation is not required.
Zydus Hospitals is organizing a Special FibroScan Camp where you can get tested for Alcoholic Liver Disease, Fatty Liver or Hepatitis.
#Fibroscan #Fibrosis #ZydusHospitals

For some patients, Fibroscan can replace liver biopsy plus there is no pain, and sedation is not required. Zydus Hospitals is organizing a Special FibroScan Camp where you can get tested for Alcoholic Liver Disease, Fatty Liver or Hepatitis. #Fibroscan #Fibrosis #ZydusHospitals

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