You may be at risk for high blood sugar if you have diabetes and you Eat too many processed or fast foods Don t exercise regularly Eat large meals or engage in binge eating Are under a lot of stress on a regular basis Have recurring illnesses

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You may be at risk for high blood sugar if you have diabetes and you
-Eat too many processed or fast foods
-Don’t exercise regularly
-Eat large meals or engage in binge eating
-Are under a lot of stress on a regular basis
-Have recurring illnesses
#Diabetes #Sugar #ZydusHospitals

You may be at risk for high blood sugar if you have diabetes and you -Eat too many processed or fast foods -Don’t exercise regularly -Eat large meals or engage in binge eating -Are under a lot of stress on a regular basis -Have recurring illnesses #Diabetes #Sugar #ZydusHospitals

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